Stable Isotopes and Landscape Evolution in the Southern Central Andes

Stable Isotopes and Landscape Evolution in the Southern Central Andes

StRATEGy Lecture Series

Dr. Alexander Rohrmann
Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 16:15 to 17:45
Potsdam University - Golm - House 27 - Room 2.36

Image by Mulch et al.; EPSL, 2016 

Alexander Rohrmann is geologist and holds a Alexander von Humboldt fellowship at the Oregon State University (U.S.A.). His research focuses on the interaction between tectonics, climate, and erosion in the Andes and the Tibet plateau. He connects structural- and basin-analysis with geochemistry, thermochronology and cosmogenic dating to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of surface processes and their tectonic and climatic impacts.