Introduction to Geodynamic Modelling

Introduction to Geodynamic Modelling


Dr. Sascha Brune
MSc. Anne Glerum
Tuesday, May 15, 2018 - 08:00 to Friday, May 18, 2018 - 17:00
Potsdam University - Golm - House 29 - Room 0.25 and House 24 - Room 0.06/0.07

This course will provide an introduction to geodynamic modelling by combining the following topics: rheology on geological time scales, lithospheric strength profiles, plate tectonic reconstructions as a link between regional and global scale geodynamics, analogue and numerical modelling concepts, an introduction to continuum mechanics, numerical solution strategies and their application in solid Earth deformation, and the role of initial and boundary conditions in modelling. The course involves both lectures and hands-on modelling exercises. The latter will employ the open-source geodynamic modelling software ASPECT and will cover key geodynamic processes: mantle convection, continental rifting, and subduction. The course is suitable for master and PhD students of geosciences and previous experience in computational geophysics or numerical modelling methods is not required.

In the flyer below you will find more information on the course and how to register.