Perspectives, goals, and new ways

Thursday, September 28, 2017 - 09:00 to 18:00
Frankfurt/M - Goethe University - House: Casino, Campus Westend

There are many ways to reach a goal. Sometimes, however, it takes courage, time and the right people to find the right path for your career. The career conference offers a platform to define reference values ​​and career goals and to establish new, interesting contacts outside the university.

Knowing your own potential is crucial in order to develop professionally and to progress. Within the framework of workshops and short presentations, the conference offers the opportunity to discover your own strengths and to inform yourselves about the requirements of potential employers and to take part in initial application training courses.

Career decisions are only solid when the diversity of perspectives is known. The conference aims to present a wide range of career opportunities in business and industry, non-university research and other alternative fields.

Two "StRATEGy" PhD students Julia Drewes used the opportunity to attend the conference "Kurswechsel", a special career conference for female PhD students and postdocs.

Form more information on the "Kurswechsel" conference follow the link below: