XXVIII Reunión Científica de la AAGG

Monday, April 17, 2017 - 09:00 to Friday, April 21, 2017 - 17:00
Argentina - La Plata

Martin Zeckra, "StRATEGy" PhD student, gives a guest talk at the 28th Reunión Cientifíca de la Asociacíon Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas (AAGG) in La Plata (Argentina). He will be accompanied by "StRATEGy" PIs Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth and Judith Sippel, who will support the presentation of Federico Ibarra, the Argentinean PhD student who is working on the partner project of their PhD student Christian Meeßen.

The title of Martin Zeckra's talk is:
"StRATEGy - Seismic neTwoRk/Array in norThwEstern arGentina: Study of the 2015 El Galpón earthquake and its aftershock sequence"

For more information on the IAG follow the link below.
